Business Ethics
WEBTOON Code of Ethics
WEBTOON maintain a ‘Code of Ethics’ and the code is our social and ethical promise to various stakeholders. Cultivating a culture where all employees are expected to act ethically and with integrity is important to our long-term success: WEBTOON Code of Ethics
WEBTOON’s Hotline Channel
WEBTOON maintains hotline channels to listen voices from employees and partners and encourages employees and partners to report known or suspected misconduct through company’s hotline channels:
•Direct e-mail to Internal Audit
•Anonymous reporting system: “Lighthouse”
Incident/Case Registration through Website:
E-mail: (must include company name with report)
Toll-Free Telephone: English speaking USA and Canada: 833-401-0002 / Spanish speaking USA and Canada: 800-216-1288
The Company will investigate all reports or complaints of misconduct thoroughly, promptly, fairly, and discreetly. If the company determine that a violation occurred or someone was untruthful in the course of an investigation, we take appropriate action, including disciplinary action up to termination, financial consequences, and, if necessary, referral to law enforcement.